The mighty sunflower is a symbol of happiness
The sunflower is a symbol of happiness. Its bright yellow petals and cheerful face make any day brighter. Sunflowers grow in the summer, but they are typically grown as ornamental flowers for their beauty and not to harvest for food. The word “sunflower” comes from the fact that it follows the sun’s direction with its head during the day – this is called heliotropism.
September 30, 2021
Sunflowers in art and religion
Sunflowers also have a long history of being used in art and religion – many paintings show them as symbols of life because they can withstand so much heat and light without wilting or dying! In Hinduism, some people believe that if you wish on a sunflower before sunrise, your wish will come true! The health benefits of sunflower seeds for the female and male body
Disputes about the benefits and dangers of seeds do not stop. Scientists conduct research on large and diverse groups of people, and the results are collected and carefully analyzed. On the one hand, sunflower seed kernels contain a large number of micronutrients. Besides, it is difficult to stop as soon as you start clicking, and an overabundance of what is valuable is harmful.
There are many fat-soluble vitamins in sunflower seeds: A, E, D, and group B. They have well absorbed in the intestines thanks to the fats in the seeds.
Also, sunflower seeds are rich in minerals: magnesium, calcium, zinc, iron, fluoride, and various acids help lower cholesterol levels. Sunflower seeds have a beneficial effect on the heart and blood vessels. They are eaten as prophylaxis for atherosclerosis, heart attacks, and strokes.
The effect of sunflower seeds on the skin and hair condition has been noticed – mainly due to vitamins and fats. Seeds are beneficial when it is necessary to maintain strength and restore the acid-base balance: during a diet, fasting, during pregnancy.
Roasted seeds are tastier and have a bright aroma, but they are less valuable – some of the vitamins are destroyed during heat treatment.
Calorie content and composition of peeled sunflower seeds
In raw sunflower seeds, the composition of nutrients and trace elements necessary for the functioning of the human body exceeds the composition of eggs and meat. Seeds are a good source of substances that act as antioxidants, protecting the body at the cellular level from free radical damage.
Sunflower kernels contain:
- Vitamins A, B, E, D, PP.
- Zinc, selenium, magnesium, potassium, manganese, copper, phosphorus, iron.
- Monosaccharides, ash, and starch in small quantities.
- Amino acids, tannins, antioxidants.
The sunflower seeds have a characteristic nutty flavor and are most often eaten roasted. So they are stored longer, and the risk of mold and mildew formation is also reduced if the storage technology is followed. A considerable disadvantage of heat treatment is a decrease in valuable properties.
Raw, roasted, and sprouted seeds. What’s more valuable?
Sunflower seeds can be eaten in three forms: raw, roasted, and sprouted. In roasted foods, nutrients are lost due to exposure to high temperatures. And due to the oxidative reaction of fatty acids, carcinogenic compounds are formed. Some nutritionists believe that roasted sunflower seeds are a source of empty and unnecessary calories. Indeed, roasted seeds are more nutritious, but unlike other types, they are easier to digest and absorb by the body. For a minimum loss of nutrients, it is recommended to purchase a raw, high-quality product from reliable and trusted manufacturers and then roast it yourself in a gentle way.
Raw seeds are more useful for the human body. But if the storage conditions are not observed, insects and mold fungi can start in them, which can cause severe allergic reactions and poisoning. If raw seeds were kept peeled for a long time, then they have no particular value. The fats that make up the composition when in contact with air are oxidized, the beneficial properties practically disappear. When eating raw seeds, it is essential to ensure their quality, storage, and the absence of additional processing with chemical reagents. It is recommended to buy in a peel, rinse thoroughly and dry a little before use.
In the process of germination, the concentration of nutrients increases. Compared to the salad greens we are used to, sprouted sunflower seeds are a hundred times more valuable. The human body more easily absorbs the vegetable protein of germinated seeds.
Sprouted seeds have a positive effect on:
- Central nervous system – due to the increased concentration of magnesium and thiamine.
- The cardiovascular system – due to the entire interaction of unsaturated fatty acids with vitamins A, B, C, E.
- The gastrointestinal tract – rich in proteins, carbohydrates, and fats.
- When sprouting independently, it should be borne in mind that the seeds are easily infected with harmful bacteria.
Raw sunflower seeds: benefits and harms
For a long time, it was mistakenly believed that the regular use of raw seeds provokes inflammation of appendicitis. It has been scientifically proven that if the seeds are consumed with shells and in large quantities, there will be a problem of clogging the stomach and intestines. On the contrary, moderate consumption is good for the body, for example, in case of disruption of the functioning of the endocrine and nervous systems.
The high content of antioxidants helps protect the body at the cellular level from the harmful effects of chemicals, including tobacco smoke, exhaust gases, electromagnetic radiation, viruses.
Vitamin E affects the external condition and health of the skin, slows down its aging. For a daily dose, 50-60 grams of peeled raw seeds are enough.
The nervous system is affected not only by the presence of helpful trace elements in the composition of the seed. Monotonous clicking helps to relax under stress, contributes to the fight against smoking.
The benefits of sunflower seeds for the body are in the regular but not excessive use of raw and peeled kernels. They can be added to cooked meals or eaten in place of a snack.
The advantages of their effect on the body include:
- Strengthening the walls of blood vessels.
- Reducing the risk of heart disease.
- Normalization of high blood pressure.
- Reducing the level of “bad” cholesterol.
- Relief of constipation and bowel cleansing.
- Strengthening bone structure and teeth.
- Relief of arthritis symptoms.
- Increased male potency.
- Improving brain function.
- Slowing down the aging of the skin and the appearance of wrinkles.
The effect of raw seeds on the female body
The chemical composition of the organic kernels has a positive effect on the female body:
- Vegetable fats and antioxidants stop premature aging of the body at the cellular level, remove cholesterol.
- Phosphorus, potassium, and calcium help to improve the skeletal system, prevent the onset of rheumatism.
- B vitamins increase efficiency and endurance and positively affect the functioning of the nervous and cardiovascular systems.
- Vitamins and trace elements participate in the formation of new cells, contribute to the correct development of the fetus and the formation of its nervous system. The seeds contain no substances that can harm mother and baby during pregnancy. In the absence of allergies in the mother and newborn, a small number of seeds, up to 20 grams, can be consumed during breastfeeding to increase the fat content of milk.
Can seeds harm the female body?
Yes, if you consume them with shells and without measure. The shell clogs the intestines and causes constipation.
Even though many diets are allowed to add sunflower seeds, large daily portions can provoke weight gain. The calorie content of 100 grams of seeds may be comparable to the calorie content of a whole bar of dark chocolate.
When breastfeeding, a woman should reduce or completely abandon the use of seeds if the child has a stomach ache and allergic redness on the body.
The effect of raw seeds on the male body
Men sip sunflower seeds most often to pass the time or get rid of smoking addiction. The benefits or harms of sunflower seeds for men depend on the state of health. The cleaned kernels contain many valuable substances involved in the processes of the male body.
- Vitamin E and beta-carotene improve potency and normalize reproductive function.
- Selenium is involved in the formation of testosterone, maintains an active sex life, is responsible for correct spermatogenesis and the reproduction of healthy offspring.
- Zinc affects the functioning of the thyroid and adrenal glands, reduces the risk of prostatitis, and normalizes blood flow in the small pelvis.
- Vitamin B, magnesium, and potassium reduce blood viscosity, minimize the risk of cholesterol plaque formation and thrombosis.
- Antioxidants reduce the risk of early baldness, strengthen the immune system and accumulate the body’s protective functions during colds.
For diabetes, doctors advise eating raw dried sunflower seeds to reduce sugar cravings. Raw seeds are recommended for men who are actively involved in sports, but it should be borne in mind that sunflower kernels increase appetite. Another significant problem for men is the complete and haphazard replacement of smoking. Eating more than 100 grams of high-calorie sunflower seeds per day leads to rapid weight gain. To avoid overeating, add a limited amount of seeds to ready-made meals.
Roasted sunflower seeds: benefits and harms
The biological value of roasted seeds is more minor than that of raw ones. It is essential to observe the temperature of the process of roasting and not to overexpose. Otherwise, there is a high probability of provoking heartburn or gastritis. When roasted properly:
Valuable minerals and organic acids are retained.
Aromatic compounds have formed that cause increased appetite.
Pathogens die, including bacteria and fungi.
The effect of roasted sunflower seeds on the female body
After processing with high temperatures, the benefits of roasted sunflower seeds for women are reduced, but not lost:
- Tocopherol protects mucous membranes from free radicals, maintains the structure of the skin.
- Vitamin E satisfies the daily requirement of the female body. Enough 70-80 grams of peeled, roasted sunflower kernels.
- Folic acid has a positive effect on the structure of hair and nails, reducing their breakage.
Scientists have found that women who eat 50-70 grams of peeled seeds per day are sexier and more active. And during menopause, a handful of peeled kernels reduce unpleasant symptoms and reduce irritability.
The harm of roasted sunflower seeds for women is overeating. It is sometimes difficult to break away from clicking. As a result, unpleasant sensations in the abdomen, colic, and constipation may appear. Clicking is not recommended when you have a sore throat.
The effect of roasted sunflower seeds on the male body
Men, first of all, adore roasted seeds during the period of quitting smoking. But, it should be remembered that a daily excess of this tasty product can be harmful, provoking obesity, destroying enamel, and changing the color of the teeth.
Daily consumption of 50-70 grams of roasted sunflower seeds only benefit men:
- Reduces cravings for smoking and sweets.
- Strengthens the walls of the arteries.
- Reduces the risk of blood clots.
- Promotes the production of hormones.
- Provides prevention of oncological diseases.
- Strengthens the immune system after infections.
- Improves liver function.
- Facilitates the digestive process.
- Accelerates the healing process of tissues in case of injuries.
Sunflower seeds are harmful to the body if the plant is grown next to highways and railways. The kernels very quickly absorb and accumulate the toxic metal cadmium, which negatively affects the functioning of the kidneys and urinary system. If nitrate fertilizers were used when growing plants, excessive use of such seeds will negatively affect athletes’ muscles. Consumption of organic sunflower seeds is recommended.
Sprouted sunflower seeds: benefits and harms
Sprouted sunflower seeds are considered the most useful. They can be eaten raw or added to various dishes. Sprouted seeds are beneficial to the body, as they are rich in:
- Vitamins B, E, C.
- Oleic, palmitic, and linoleic acids.
- Phosphorus, fluorine, selenium, potassium, magnesium.
The human body quickly and easily assimilates sprouted sunflower seeds, resulting in:
- The indicators of lousy cholesterol are reduced.
- The work of the digestive system improves.
- The regeneration of damaged tissues is accelerated.
- Immunity is strengthened.
- The efficiency increases.
- The acid-base balance is restored.
The effect of sprouted seeds on the female body
Sprouted sunflower seeds are beneficial and essential for pregnant women. Since they are rich in folic acid and B vitamins, they are necessary for the proper development of the fetus and maintaining the expectant mother’s health. The antioxidants that make up the composition support the work of the heart, restore cells, and slow down the aging of the female body.
Unlike raw and roasted seeds, sprouted kernels are less caloric and recommended addition to the diet. Young shoots maintain the balance of intestinal microflora and help remove waste and excess salt from the body.
Sprouted seeds are advised to be added to the composition of masks and scrubs. They perfectly tighten the contours and moisturize the upper epidermis. Zinc, which is part of the composition, helps to cope with acne and aging skin.
During menopause, a small addition of sprouts to the salad will relieve discomfort in the abdominal area and reduce nervousness.
The use of germinated seeds for women on a diet with high gluten content can cause allergic skin rashes. Mixing with dairy products is also not recommended due to the risk of gas formation and indigestion.
Sprouts reduce appetite, but overeating leads to oversaturation with fats, which harms losing weight. Selenium and the fats that make up the composition constantly oppose each other. Selenium is involved in the normalization of metabolism and reduces the deposition of fat on the sides. Fats are the opposite. Therefore, the prominent harm that sprouted seeds can bring to women is to slow down weight loss when overeating.
The effect of sprouted seeds on the male body
Plant protein and valuable amino acids predominate in sprouted seeds, which are required to build and restore muscle mass during intense sports.
Tocopherol ensures the normal functioning of the nervous and reproductive systems, as well as the liver. Selenium and vitamin E are involved in the synthesis of sperm, increase their motility and survival.
Benefit or harm?
Sunflower seeds can and should be included in the daily diet for women and men but in limited quantities. Optimally 50-100 grams daily. Roasted kernels lose some of their beneficial properties and quickly cause the habit of “clicking” between meals. Sprouted seeds are recommended for diets and nutritional care for healthy living.
Moderate consumption of sunflower seeds benefits women and men, giving their bodies micronutrients essential for life. Doctors recommend including seeds in the diet of athletes and pregnant women. But limited use for angina, gastrointestinal diseases, and cholelithiasis.
The mighty sunflower is a hardy plant that provides health benefits to both people and animals. Sunflowers are rich in Vitamin A, which helps the eyesight and skin look more vibrant. Animals also benefit from eating sunflower seeds because they contain healthy fats that help their coats become shinier. In addition, we have an example of how plants can be used as medicine and how fermentation can create probiotics for humans too!
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