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The Perfect Organic Breakfast or Snack

AMORE is… tasty, healthy, fresh and inspirational food. A mix of health-oriented organic breakfasts and snacks to help you live a better life.

Our story

We are Dimitar and Evgenia, social entrepreneurs and co-founders of AMORE Gluten free Vegan cookies, bonbons and granola breakfasts. For us, the mission through aware choices to live more holistically, to be healthier and to restore the balance with nature are the foundations of our brand and AMORE community.

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Reviews for AMORE Family

Lili Gateva amore moment bio magasin

АМОРЕ е семейство, от което ставаш част с вкусовите си рецептори. Няколко години закуската с гранола е любимата ми част от деня! Преди съм се замисляла какво да хапвам, което да е вкусно, да не отнема много време и в същото време да е полезно за тялото ми. Вече не се чудя, а директно вадя купичка без угризения. Много е хубаво да знаеш, че грижата, която полагаш за себе си е започнала още с активирането на всички сурови благинки в гранолата на АМОРЕ! Хубаво е да знаеш, че на някого му пука за твоето здраве ♥️

Lilly Gateva
Zori Vladimirova

Харесва ми, че са различни, не са прекалено сладки и имат изчистен състав.
Специално при гранолите изключително много ме впечатлява липсата на овесени ядки, хрупкавостта и разпознаваемия вкус.Препоръчвам на всеки, който търси разнообразна, полезна, но в същото време вкусна алтернатива, както за закуска така и за вкусен снак между основните хранения. Подкрепям всеки български бранд и съм спокойна, когато знам, че някой създава храна с отношение и мисъл, както за здравето ни, така и за природата. Любими!♥️

Zori Vladimirova
Lili Geleva amore bio shop

Много обичам “АМОРЕ”!
Направени са с любов и това съдържат!
За мен са много важни състав, произход, производство, пакетиране, съчетани с отношение.
И са български!
Какво по-хубаво за закуска, за следобедно хапване
или среднощна…закуска :)

Lily Geleva

Зад всеки продукт стоят хора с мисия.
За мен е много важно да повярвам в хората зад този продукт
и да се запозная с мисията.
“Аморе” са много повече е от гранола, те са любов, здраве, улеснение, наслада.
Дали за закуска, лек снак или  поръсени върху сладолед след вечеря,
за нашето семейство са неизменна част от ежедневието.  🙏💙

Валентина Нейчева

Celebrate Special Amore moments

Find a freshly baked cookie perfect for you

There are so different varieties of cookies out there, and they all have their own unique flavors!



rich in aminoacids

Buckwheat is one healthy carb source and a true superfood. In spite of the name, it isn’t wheat. It’s a fruit seed and it’s gluten-free and has a low glycemic index. It contains 18 aminoacids and is a source of slow carbs, thus the feeling of satiation, after consuming buckwheat, stays for a long time.



Delicious & nutritious

Sunflower seeds contain fiber and protein. They’re rich in healthy fats and an excellent source of several micro nutrients — including vitamin E and selenium. When sunflower seeds are activated, their plant compounds increase. Activation also reduces factors that can interfere with mineral absorption.

Dont Just Take Our WOrd For it

“Finally found an alternative to the mass produced products. Something that incorporates real organic ingredients, nutrient dense wellness while promoting sustainability and activity.”

Evgeniya Stamenova, co-founder

Gluten free oats


fibre, slow carbs & beta glucan

Oat is a gluten free plant, but the low-quality oats are contaminated with high amounts of gluten, while the crop is collected from the field. This is why we chose the highest quality of gluten free oats. They provide fiber, complex carbohydrates, protein, and other essential nutrients.

Organic food

Benefits of our organic, vegan and gluten free products


Our organic, vegan and gluten free products are healthy for you, give you and your children more energy, vitality and enjoyment in life! Every choice you make consciously, is an act towards a better planet giving your children opportunities for tomorrow!


The main ingredients in most of our products are activated organic seeds and nuts, carefully selected and dried. Activation provides even better digestibility and balance in the digestive system.

Organic ingredients

We use only natural certified organic ingredients in our foods which make the products of the highest quality available. These foods make the best products in their category available on any grocery store shelf!

Ползите от нашите био, вегански и безглутенови продукти


Our organic products can be consumed by both children and adults. Developed through innovative technologies that allow the maximum preservation of nutrients from sprouted seeds and nuts.

Food allergies

Food allergies can make eating healthy and delicious foods a challenge. With our non-chemical, all natural products for sensitive stomachs, food intolerances – we’ve got something perfect for everyone who loves getting their nutrition from good foods – without any side effects.


Eating organic food also helps to protect the biodiversity on our planet, produce less co2 emissions and keep the soil, water and air clean. Organic farming also improves the fertility of the soil.

Sustainable and ethical practices

Buying from our store supports local businesses that prioritize sustainability and ethical practices. We prefer to work with small sized innovative farms and suppliers so that we can keep track of the whole production chain, from the farm to our store.


Where to find our organic products

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Или иначе казано, да се насладиш на любимите ритуали, без да бързаш.. 😍

Вкусна АМОРЕ закуска, чаша чай и аромат на свежи цветя.. 🌼

Прекрасният ден е абсолютно гарантиран! ☀️

Наслади се! ❤️ 🛒

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Как би кръстил нашата АМОРЕ гранола с фъстъчено масло? 😋
👉 Сподели ни предложение в коментарите! 🛒


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Снежни дни са по-сладки, когато са споделени с АМОРЕ! ❤️ 🛒


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Gluten free and vegan breakfast and snacks

Why should you eat our gluten free and vegan breakfast and snacks?

Their positive healthy effect on the body and mind is extremely important and necessary, but it is difficult and time consuming to provide yourself with all the necessary ingredients and follow the technology of preparation in modern everyday life.

1.Boost metabolism

Add to your gluten free vegan diet metabolism boosting and neutralizing free radicals and can help you lose weight. Promote good condition immune system, peristalsis, mental activity, skin, hair and nails.

2. More energy

You’ll have more energy throughout the day with a healthy breakfast or snack giving you all necessary vitamins, minerals, fiber, enzymes, amino acids and probiotics for the body.

3. Stop hunger cravings

Our snacks are high in protein and will stop hunger cravings before they start. With options like bonbons (energy bars), crunchy granola, chewy cookies, honey cookies or chocolate chip cookie; we’re sure there’s something for every craving!

4. Lower cholesterol levels

A diet that is 100% gluten-free, vegan and organic will help you stay healthier for years to come. Recent studies have shown how this type of food can lower high cholesterol levels as well as reduce risk factors associated with heart disease by reducing high blood pressure or in some cases preventing it completely!

5. Look younger

They’re healthier for your skin because they don’t contain chemicals or preservatives that could irritate it. Natural food ingredients that are full of vitamins A and C can make you look younger in less time than it takes for some people to drink two cups of coffee!

6. Care for your environment

Eating gluten-free, vegan food is good for the environment – less water is needed to grow crops and produce meat products than when eating an animal based diet

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Frequently asked questions

What is organic food?

The word “organic” refers to how a food is produced. Organic foods have been produced or farmed without the use of: artificial chemicals, hormones, antibiotics, genetically modified organisms (GMOs), and nanotechnology. To be certified organic, a food must not contain any artificial food additives. Artificial sweeteners, preservatives, colorings, flavors, and monosodium glutamate (MSG) are examples of additives that must be avoided.

Manure is commonly used in organically farmed crops to enhance growth. Animals that have been grown organically are not given antibiotics or hormones.

Organic farming has been found to improve soil quality and groundwater protection. It also aids in the reduction of pollution, which is beneficial to the environment.

The most popular organic meals are fruits, vegetables, grains, dairy products, and meat. Processed organic products are also available, such as sodas, cookies, cereals, sausages and meat alternatives.

Read more about Organic Shop

What is a vegan diet?

A vegan diet is one that is based on plants and excludes all animal-derived items. The aim is to eliminate the use and suffering of living beings.

Vegans, on the other hand, remove any and all animal by-products and products that are used in the manufacturing of their meals. Meat, chicken, fish, and dairy are eliminated from the diet in favor of vegetables, fruits, legumes, nuts, and grains.

We’re concentrating on the vegan diet’s eating side in this article, but vegans are also seen as a lifestyle. Many individuals have extended animals’ usage by applying its concepts, avoiding clothes, cosmetics, personal care items, pharmaceuticals, and entertainment choices that rely on or use animal components.

It’s also worth noting that a vegan diet isn’t always low in carbohydrates or fats. It is about cutting the meat, not the macronutrients.

What is the keto diet?

The keto diet is a high-fat, low-carb diet that offers many benefits. This article will explore the basics of this trendy eating plan and how it can help you lose weight.

This Blog post is about the keto diet. It’s a trending way to eat much healthier and lose weight in an easy manner with no side effects or hunger pains!

The keto diet has been around for years but has recently become popular due to its effectiveness in helping people slim down quickly without any other additions such as exercise or medication.

Though there are many diets out there, not all of them work for everyone. The Ketogenic Diet is one that works great because it helps your body burn fat faster than normal and turn

What does gluten free mean?

Gluten is a protein present in grains, such as wheat, barley, rye, and a hybrid of wheat and rye known as triticale.

A gluten-free diet can aid in the management of celiac disease and other medical issues linked to gluten consumption. This sort of diet has become increasingly popular among people who do not have a gluten-related medical condition. Improved health, weight reduction, and increased energy are just a few of the claimed advantages of the diet.

Read more: Gluten-free diet what are the essence and benefits?

Try our DELICIOUS Products

Order organic breakfast or snacks delivered to your home


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